
Simple moving box

The following example will demonstrate how to implement a simple object that will move on keyboard input. It's strongly inspired by the nice example writeup from nopun-ecs (under the MIT license).

This example doesn't show any advanced rendering techniques and if you plan on writing an actual game you should use a library like PixiJS or BabylonJS to do the graphics part. One of the benefits of an ECS architecture is that it's not bound to a specific rendering technique, and could be used in a lot of different environments.

Step 1 - The HTML file

We create an HTML file that will display a blue box. This box will be the object that will be movable cursor keys. We use Vite to compile and serve our source but you can use any tool you'd like.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Simple Becsy Demo</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
      body {
        position: relative;
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;

      #object {
        position: absolute;
        width: 60px;
        height: 60px;
        background-color: slateblue;
    <script type="module" src="./src/main.ts"></script>
    <!-- This is the object that our demo will move around the page. -->
    <div id="object"></div>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Simple Becsy Demo</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
      body {
        position: relative;
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;

      #object {
        position: absolute;
        width: 60px;
        height: 60px;
        background-color: slateblue;
    <script type="module" src="./src/main.js"></script>
    <!-- This is the object that our demo will move around the page. -->
    <div id="object"></div>

Step 2 - Set up the component types

For our source code proper, we first need a few components that hold the relevant data for us. Since we want an object to move, that object must have a position and a velocity. In order to translate those properties to the screen the object also needs a reference to its associated DOM node.

import {component, field, Type} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

// Component types are declared as classes and don't need to inherit from anything in particular.
// We use the `@component` decorator to automatically register the component type with the world
// (created below).
@component class Position {
  // Each property needs a low level backing field type, as Becsy uses raw array buffers to share
  // data between workers (threads) rather than using objects to represent components.  To keep
  // TypeScript happy, we also use `declare` to expose the high level JavaScript type of each
  // property, whose implementation will be provided by Becsy.
  @field.float64 declare x: number;
  @field.float64 declare y: number;

@component class Velocity {
  // Velocity is also a two floats vector just like Position, but we nonetheless define it as a
  // separate component type.  Since an entity can have at most one instance of any given component
  // type this will allow an entity to have both a Velocity and a Position.  We could reuse property
  // names but prefer not to, as it will make code clearer later on.
  @field.float64 declare vx: number;
  @field.float64 declare vy: number;

@component class DOMRenderable {
  // We'll need a reference to the DOM node we set up in the HTML file in order to manipulate it
  // later on.
  @field.object declare node: HTMLElement;
import {Type} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

// Component types are declared as classes and don't need to inherit from anything in particular.
class Position {
  // Each property needs a low level backing field type, as Becsy uses raw array buffers to share
  // data between workers (threads) rather than using objects to represent components.  You declare
  // these in a static schema property.
  static schema = {
    x: Type.float64,
    y: Type.float64

class Velocity {
  // Velocity is also a two floats vector just like Position, but we nonetheless define it as a
  // separate component type.  Since an entity can have at most one instance of any given component
  // type this will allow an entity to have both a Velocity and a Position.  We could reuse property
  // names but prefer not to, as it will make code clearer later on.
  static schema = {
    vx: Type.float64,
    vy: Type.float64

class DOMRenderable {
  // We'll need a reference to the DOM node we set up in the HTML file in order to manipulate it
  // later on.
  static schema = {
    node: Type.object

Step 3 - Set up the input system

Like most games, our example is going to be processed sequentially on a frame-by-frame basis. Each execution cycle of the ECS calculates one frame. Unfortunately, this is not how input events are usually handled in the browser so we need a way to remedy that.

Our input system is going to remember every keystroke and remove that information again when a key is released. This way, we can easily check which key is currently pressed on every frame. Then we have a look at the arrow keys and transform the key names to the correct velocity values for our entity.

import {component, field, system, System, Type} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

@component class Position {/* ... */}
@component class Velocity {/* ... */}
@component class DOMRenderable {/* ... */}

// Systems are declared as classes that extend `System`.  We use the `@system` decorator to
// automatically register the system type with the world, and `export` them so the linter won't
// complain about "unused" classes.
@system export class VelocityInputController extends System {
  // Every system can define any number of queries whose results will be available in the `execute`
  // method.  In this case, we're asking for all entities that currently have a Velocity component,
  // and declare that we'll be writing to those components.
  private readonly movables = this.query(q => q.current.with(Velocity).write);

  // Here we'll store all keys that are currently pressed.  This is not specific to ECS but it's a
  // common pattern to glue together event-driven (DOM) and timing-driven (ECS) processes.
  private readonly keysPressed = new Set<string>();

  // Every system can provide an `initialize` method that will be called once as the world is being
  // set up.  We'll use it to register our DOM event handlers.
  initialize(): void {
    document.addEventListener('keydown', (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
      this.keysPressed.add(event.key);  // add the pressed key to our set

    document.addEventListener('keyup', (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
      this.keysPressed.delete(event.key);  // remove the released key from our set

  // Every system can (and probably should) provide an `execute` method that implements its logic.
  // It will be invoked once per frame in our demo, so at 60fps it's called 60 times per second.
  execute(): void {
    // We loop through the query results of the movables query we defined above.
    for (const movable of this.movables.current) {
      // This is how we access the data stored in the Velocity component of our movable entity.
      // We must specify whether we intend to only `read` the data or also to `write` it.  We'll
      // only be allowed to `write` to component types that we reserved as such in our queries.
      const velocity = movable.write(Velocity);

      if (this.keysPressed.has('ArrowUp')) velocity.vy = -100;  // in pixels per second
      else if (this.keysPressed.has('ArrowDown')) velocity.vy = 100;
      else velocity.vy = 0;

      if (this.keysPressed.has('ArrowLeft')) velocity.vx = -100;
      else if (this.keysPressed.has('ArrowRight')) velocity.vx = 100;
      else velocity.vx = 0;
import {System, Type} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

class Position {/* ... */}
class Velocity {/* ... */}
class DOMRenderable {/* ... */}

// Systems are declared as classes that extend `System`.
class VelocityInputController extends System {
  // Every system can define any number of queries whose results will be available in the `execute`
  // method.  In this case, we're asking for all entities that currently have a Velocity component,
  // and declare that we'll be writing to those components.
  movables = this.query(q => q.current.with(Velocity).write);

  // Here we'll store all keys that are currently pressed.  This is not specific to ECS but it's a
  // common pattern to glue together event-driven (DOM) and timing-driven (ECS) processes.
  keysPressed = new Set();

  // Every system can provide an `initialize` method that will be called once as the world is being
  // set up.  We'll use it to register our DOM event handlers.
  initialize() {
    document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
      this.keysPressed.add(event.key);  // add the pressed key to our set

    document.addEventListener('keyup', event => {
      this.keysPressed.delete(event.key);  // remove the released key from our set

  // Every system can (and probably should) provide an `execute` method that implements its logic.
  // It will be invoked once per frame in our demo, so at 60fps it's called 60 times per second.
  execute() {
    // We loop through the query results of the movables query we defined above.
    for (const movable of this.movables.current) {
      // This is how we access the data stored in the Velocity component of our movable entity.
      // We must specify whether we intend to only `read` the data or also to `write` it.  We'll
      // only be allowed to `write` to component types that we reserved as such in our queries.
      const velocity = movable.write(Velocity);

      if (this.keysPressed.has('ArrowUp')) velocity.vy = -100;  // in pixels per second
      else if (this.keysPressed.has('ArrowDown')) velocity.vy = 100;
      else velocity.vy = 0;

      if (this.keysPressed.has('ArrowLeft')) velocity.vx = -100;
      else if (this.keysPressed.has('ArrowRight')) velocity.vx = 100;
      else velocity.vx = 0;

Step 4 - Set up the movement system

Next we need a system that updates every entity that has a position and a velocity, for the velocity change in step 3 to take effect.

import {component, field, system, System, Type} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

@component class Position {/* ... */}
@component class Velocity {/* ... */}
@component class DOMRenderable {/* ... */}

@system export class VelocityInputController extends System {/* ... */}

@system export class Movement extends System {
  // In this query we're looking for every entity with both a `Position` and a `Velocity` component,
  // but while we declare that we'll be writing to `Position` we'll only be reading from `Velocity`.
  // Reading from `Velocity` will automatically make this system run after `VelocityInputController`
  // which writes it, and writing to `Position` will put it before the `Renderer` which reads it.
  // The order that systems are declared in doesn't matter.
  private readonly movables =
    this.query(q => q.current.with(Velocity).and.with(Position).write);

  execute(): void {
    for (const movable of this.movables.current) {
      // We retrive both velocity (to read) and position (to write) from our entities.
      const velocity =;
      const position = movable.write(Position);
      // In the execute method, a system has access to ``, which is the delta time between
      // the current frame and the previous one.  This allows us to calculate a stable movement
      // regardless of the intervals between our frames.  For more on that see
      position.x += * velocity.vx;
      position.y += * velocity.vy;
import {System, Type} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

class Position {/* ... */}
class Velocity {/* ... */}
class DOMRenderable {/* ... */}

class VelocityInputController extends System {/* ... */}

class Movement extends System {
  // In this query we're looking for every entity with both a `Position` and a `Velocity` component,
  // but while we declare that we'll be writing to `Position` we'll only be reading from `Velocity`.
  // Reading from `Velocity` will automatically make this system run after `VelocityInputController`
  // which writes it, and writing to `Position` will put it before the `Renderer` which reads it.
  // The order that systems are declared in doesn't matter.
  movables = this.query(q => q.current.with(Velocity).and.with(Position).write);

  execute() {
    for (const movable of this.movables.current) {
      // We retrive both velocity (to read) and position (to write) from our entities.
      const velocity =;
      const position = movable.write(Position);
      // In the execute method, a system has access to ``, which is the delta time between
      // the current frame and the previous one.  This allows us to calculate a stable movement
      // regardless of the intervals between our frames.  For more on that see
      position.x += * velocity.vx;
      position.y += * velocity.vy;

Step 5 - Set up the rendering system

The last system will take care of translating the position of our entity to its DOM node, so we can see the change on screen.

import {component, field, system, System, Type} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

@component class Position {/* ... */}
@component class Velocity {/* ... */}
@component class DOMRenderable {/* ... */}

@system export class VelocityInputController extends System {/* ... */}
@system export class Movement extends System {/* ... */}

@system export class Renderer extends System {
  // This system will render any entity that has both a Position and a DOMRenderable component, and
  // that is new or whose position changed since the last frame. Note that we don't need to declare
  // DOMRenderable as writable since we'll be modifying the DOM element's properties rather than
  // updating the component's fields, and Becsy doesn't track that.
  private readonly renderables =
    this.query(q => q.addedOrChanged.with(DOMRenderable).and.with(Position).track);

  execute(): void {
    for (const renderable of this.renderables.addedOrChanged) {
      const {x, y} =;
      const {node} =;
      // Sync the node's position from the entity by setting its style. = `${x}px`; = `${y}px`;
import {System, Type} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

class Position {/* ... */}
class Velocity {/* ... */}
class DOMRenderable {/* ... */}

class VelocityInputController extends System {/* ... */}
class Movement extends System {/* ... */}

class Renderer extends System {
  // This system will render any entity that has both a Position and a DOMRenderable component, and
  // that is new or whose position changed since the last frame. Note that we don't need to declare
  // DOMRenderable as writable since we'll be modifying the DOM element's properties rather than
  // updating the component's fields, and Becsy doesn't track that.
  renderables = this.query(q => q.addedOrChanged.with(DOMRenderable).and.with(Position).track);

  execute() {
    for (const renderable of this.renderables.addedOrChanged) {
      const {x, y} =;
      const {node} =;
      // Sync the node's position from the entity by setting its style. = `${x}px`; = `${y}px`;

Step 6 - Set up the world

Now we have all the parts in place and it's time to stitch them together. We create a world, which automatically picks up all the @components and @systems declared earlier. Then we create an entity with all 3 of our components in it.

import {component, field, system, System, Type, World} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

@component class Position {/* ... */}
@component class Velocity {/* ... */}
@component class DOMRenderable {/* ... */}

@system export class VelocityInputController extends System {/* ... */}
@system export class Movement extends System {/* ... */}
@system export class Renderer extends System {/* ... */}

// We can now create the world that all our entities and their components will live in.  All system
// and component classes tagged with `@system` and `@component` will be automatically added to the
// world's `defs`, and in this case we don't need to add any other types manually.
const world = await World.create();

// Now we create the entity that will represent our object and add the components it will need.
// Each component type can be optionally followed by an object with initial field values.
world.createEntity(Position, Velocity, DOMRenderable, {node: document.getElementById('object')});
import {System, Type, World} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

class Position {/* ... */}
class Velocity {/* ... */}
class DOMRenderable {/* ... */}

class VelocityInputController extends System {/* ... */}
class Movement extends System {/* ... */}
class Renderer extends System {/* ... */}

// We can now create the world that all our entities and their components will live in.  We list
// every component and system class in the `defs` option, in any order.
const world = await World.create({
  defs: [Position, Velocity, DOMRenderable, VelocityInputController, Movement, Renderer]

// Now we create the entity that will represent our object and add the components it will need.
// Each component type can be optionally followed by an object with initial field values.
world.createEntity(Position, Velocity, DOMRenderable, {node: document.getElementById('object')});

Step 7 - Set up the game loop

Last but not least we implement a basic game loop using requestAnimationFrame and execute our world within that loop.

import {component, field, system, System, Type, World} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

@component class Position {/* ... */}
@component class Velocity {/* ... */}
@component class DOMRenderable {/* ... */}

@system export class VelocityInputController extends System {/* ... */}
@system export class Movement extends System {/* ... */}
@system export class Renderer extends System {/* ... */}

const world = await World.create();
/* ... */

// Finally, we set up our game loop.  The `run` function will be executed once per frame.
async function run() {
  // Execute the world, which will call the `execute` method of all systems in sequence.  The call
  // is asynchronous and we _must_ await its result, otherwise errors won't be reported properly.
  await world.execute();
  // Continue the loop on the next animation frame.
// Kick things off with our first frame!
import {System, Type, World} from '@lastolivegames/becsy';

class Position {/* ... */}
class Velocity {/* ... */}
class DOMRenderable {/* ... */}

class VelocityInputController extends System {/* ... */}
class Movement extends System {/* ... */}
class Renderer extends System {/* ... */}

const world = await World.create({/* ... */});
/* ... */

// Finally, we set up our game loop.  The `run` function will be executed once per frame.
async function run() {
  // Execute the world, which will call the `execute` method of all systems in sequence.  The call
  // is asynchronous and we _must_ await its result, otherwise errors won't be reported properly.
  await world.execute();
  // Continue the loop on the next animation frame.
// Kick things off with our first frame!


The result should look like this:

You can check out the full example, including the necessary build setup, in examples/simple.

You can check out the full example, including the necessary build setup, in examples/simple-js.